What an Insurance Company Will Cover After Water Damage
2/17/2022 (Permalink)

After Water Damage, What Will An Insurance Company Cover?
Dealing with the repercussions of a flood or a pipe burst in your Kansas City, MO, home can lead to one massive headache. However, it helps to know what your homeowner’s insurance coverage entails and what you can expect to gain from your policy. Whether you have minor or severe water damage, here’s what many insurance companies will cover to help repair and restore your home.
1. They should cover the cost of the damage caused by a broken pipe, but not necessarily the pipe itself.
When it comes time to fix a broken pipe, some insurance companies believe that if a leaking pipe has carried on for a significant amount of time without being treated, then it’s considered ‘homeowner negligence.’ This means they might not cover the cost of the new pipe replacement. However, almost all insurance providers will cover the costs for the extent of the damage that occurred to your home after the pipe burst, including building materials, structural supports and so on.
2. Once a pipe bursts and a resulting flood ensues, that kind of extensive damage will generally be covered.
If a sudden pipe burst happens without any knowledge of leaks beforehand and such an occurrence leads to a massive flood, your insurance company will cover the damage if you have an all-perils policy. This can include anything from carpeting and paint to drywall, as well as the cost of any professional services required to come in and clean up your living space to make it safe for habitation. However, coverage for full-blown flooding versus less-severe water damage can differ depending on your policy, so it pays to be extra cautious when considering which plan to choose for preventative measures.
If a considerable flood occurs in your Kansas City, MO, home, it’s important to seek professional guidance before trying to make any repairs or restoration yourself. This is especially true when it comes to your insurance policy, as you might be covered for more damages than you know.